Didim Ötesi

Didim Ötesi

Didim offers so much to see and do, you might forget to explore its incredible surroundings. So why not use Didim as your starting point, then explore and discover more of the great outdoors, by visiting one of our neighbouring cities, Miletus ,PrieneEphesus or Bafa Lake to explore and enjoy beautiful A historic and cultural site.
Yesil in Turkish means green, and this is definitely one of our greenest areas.

Yesil in Turkish means green, and this is definitely one of our greenest areas. A village within a town set just around the coast from Altinkum, Yesilkent is very popular with the ex-pat community who have made Didim their permanent home. With sympathetic architecture, and unspoilt scenery, this is considered to be an Elite area of Didim.Most properties in this area are Villas with their own gardens, some having pools though as Yesilkent has its own fabulous beach, a private pool is not a necessity.

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