Didim Sehir Lokantasi

Restaurants & Cafes Restaurants

Traditional Turkish food in the heart of Didim

Didim Centre
One of the oldest established Traditional Restaurants in Didim. Come and try a selection of our meals.
We use local produce
Visitor Reviews
Contact Informations
  • Phone: +90 256 811 4488
  • Address: 830 sokak, Carsi ici, Didim 09270, Turkey
  • Open Hours: 7:00 - 23:59


Restaurants serving in Didim, Akbük, Mavişehir and its surroundings. There are many restaurants in Didim that offer takeaway and take-away services. While some of the restaurants are located in the center, some of them are at the seaside. Seaside restaurants may be closed during the winter.