Tarihi & Kültürel Turlar

Tarihi & Kültürel Turlar

Didim, Yunan dünyasının dördüncü en büyük mabedi olan Apollo Tapınağı, Milet'in antik kalıntıları, Priene, Efes ve yakındaki Meryem Ana evi gibi güzel yerleri deneyimleyebileceğiniz nadir bir yerdir . Bu tarihi yerleri bulmak kolay, yol boyunca birçok tabelaları ile gösterilmektedir. Kendiniz keşfedebilir veya çeşitli yerlere geziler sunan birçok şirketi kullanabilirsiniz.
Situated amidst rolling hills, 30 kilometers from the town of Denizli in southeastern Turkey

Situated amidst rolling hills, 30 kilometres from the town of Denizli in south eastern Türkiye, the splendid ruins of Aphrodisias contain what was once the preeminent temple of the goddess Aphrodite in Asia Minor. Yet long before the Greek sanctuary of Aphrodite was constructed in the 1st century BC, the site was a holy place and pilgrimage destination of immense importance to other cultures. Archaeological excavations conducted in 1913, 1937 and 1961 indicate the existence of a settlement since at least the fifth millennium BC, with separate layers identified as belonging to the Chalcolithic, Bronze and Iron ages. 

Ancient sources furnish only scant information about the city. According to the Byzantine historian Stephanus it was founded by the Lelegians and was first known as Lelegonopolis. The name of the city was later changed to Megalopolis, and later again to Ninoe. This name may derive from Ninos, a semi-legendary Babylonian ruler or, more probably, is connected with the Akkadian Nino, Nin or Nina, these being names for the goddess Astarte or Ishtar. The affinities between the cults of Ishtar and Aphrodite are well recognized by scholars and therefore Aphrodisias is quite probably a Greek version of Ninoe. The use of the name Aphrodisias began after the 3rd century BC. The similarities of the goddess Aphrodite to Artemis of Ephesus and other Anatolian mother goddesses are evident in cult statues found at the ruins. In Hellenistic times, she took the form of an ancient nature goddess who was sovereign on the earth, in heaven, and in the oceans and the underworld.

During the Roman period of the 1st to 6th centuries AD, Aphrodisias became a rich and important city, known as a thriving trade centre and for the excellence of its school of marble sculptors. Despite the advent of Christianity and the establishment of a bishop in the city, paganism still lingered for some centuries at Aphrodisias because of the great popularity of the cult of the goddess. Under the Byzantines, the city was renamed Stavropolis (Town of the Cross) but the local inhabitants preferred to use Caria, the name of the province (Geyre, the name of the modern village occupying the same site, is probably a corruption of the ancient Caria). When Christianity was made the state religion of the Byzantine Empire, the pilgrimage shrine of Aphrodite gradually declined in importance, to such an extent that the names Aphrodite and Aphrodisias were erased from all inscriptions and sculptures.

Aphrodisias için Öneriler
Didim Altınkum Seyahat Acentası. Havalimanı özel ve grup transfer, günlük kiralık daireler, araç kiralama, otel rezervasyonu ve tur hizmetleri.
Didim Sea Lines; Didim, Bodrum ve Yunan Adaları arasında feribot hizmeti, yunan adaları ve yunanistan vizesi hakkında bilgi, Didim Marina VIP yat ve transfer hizmetleri vermek amacıyla kurulmuştur.
Didim günlük turlar, didim çıkışlı günlük ve konaklamalı özel tur programları ve Didim'den Yunanistan'ın en güzel adalarına yapacağınız turlara şimdi katılın, benzersiz bir tatil yaşayın.
Didim havalimanı transferinizi size özel ve benzersiz kılacak seçenekler sunuyoruz.
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  • Avesta Travel
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    Didim Altınkum Seyahat Acentası. Havalimanı özel ve grup transfer, günlük kiralık daireler, araç kiralama, otel rezervasyonu ve tur hizmetleri.
  • ionia tours
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    Akbuk Didim Travel Agency. Private and Shuttle Airport transfers, Daily Excursions,Holiday Home, Car rental, Hotels, and Travel Services in Akbuk.
  • Felicia Travel
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    Felicia Travel is an 'A ' licenced Travel Agent registered in the beautiful coastline resort Altinkum , Didim of the wonderful Aegean.
  • Didim Sea Lines
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    Didim Sea Lines; Didim, Bodrum ve Yunan Adaları arasında feribot hizmeti, yunan adaları ve yunanistan vizesi hakkında bilgi, Didim Marina VIP yat ve transfer hizmetleri vermek amacıyla kurulmuştur.
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